Fancy Bears Metaverse has offset 404 tonnes of CO2.

Fancy Bears Metaverse is a fast-growing community that introduces users to new technologies through NFTs. Fancy Bears Metaverse decided to join Offsetra's project, which enables NFT projects and Web3 protocols to make a climate positive impact, in recognition of the importance of supporting a vision of a better world for the furry family!

Fancy Bears Metaverse has offset its fair share of carbon associated with the project's impact from using Ethereum's Proof of Work consensus mechanism, and is committed to exploring Proof of Stake alternatives in the future.

"We are striving towards becoming a zero carbon footprint company as well as encouraging our members to be fully engaged and motivated towards that cause. Besides engagement, one of our long term goals is ensuring our positive impact and maintaining environmentally friendly initiatives. One of those initiatives is creating a minimal carbon footprint minting alternative for our honorary members using the Polygon blockchain -- here the average minting of NFTs will be about 2.5 WattHours."

Verified Projects

By partnering with us, Fancy Bears Metaverse is investing in our verified projects. These verifications & standards are a testament to the strong co-benefits of the projects, including biodiversity protection and social programs for local communities.

Agrocortex Forest Project

404 Tonnes

States of Acre and Amazonas, Brazil

404T CO2 is equivalent to:


Ethereum Transactions




Miles of Driving

By volunteering to offset these emissions, Fancy Bears Metaverse is supporting quality, third-party certified projects with a range of additional social and environmental benefits.

View Certificates

For transparency and accountability, offsets are verified and retired on a third-party registry or blockchain. Click to download and view.